Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Youth ,

Remember that if you have ANY fundrasing ideas to tell Rachel, because it is important to tell her anything you want to do for this upcoming year so she can put it in the calendars. If it is not in the calendars the activity would most likely not be planned & made. So please, ANY ideas tell Rachel.

BRITTANY'S REMINDER : Get all the prices for the shirts, mugs, jars and any kind of fundrasing items you want to be sold. Thank you.

For Kousee : Thank you for treating us out this past Sunday, everyone had a great time! :D Happy Birthday Once again & may God bless you.

"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ."
                -Corinthians 2:14


  1. *Awe Shucks.. i feel so special lolzzz

  2. yey... youth blog.. i love update... good job rach... the hangout was totally wicked.. hehe

  3. hey rachel. can you post a blog on song practices and song performance.. like is that going to be on the calendar... how are we going to meet and practice if we would like to sing a group song.. ?? its just questions and suggests i would like the officers to think about also..

  4. yeah it was, Ummm rachel you remember all the stuff i said in the car right?

  5. @Bee, I will when the leaders plan for them. Which is this sunday, So yeah. I'll put all the practices in the calendars. But we just need song suggestions & i'll put that on another blog soon.

  6. Rachie, Just to let you know, Me & My parent's won't be attending church this sunday :/
