Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yard Sale

Thanks for all your effort Auburn Youth! <3
Let's do it agian very soon! :)

We Raised $93.40
Good job guys! :)

-Rach <3

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fund Rasing.

Well, The reason why we don't have a lot of fund raising events is that cause we don't have fund raising ideas. Please come up with any ideas of how to fund raise for Standing Stones Camp. Please pray about this aspect of our youth. If you have any ideas please tell any of the leaders, we'll be happy to listen. Thanks guys <3

-Rach (:

Yard Sale!

Tomorrow is the Yard Sale!  @ the Lee's place 7:00 AM!

270 Oak Ridge
Auburn, Ga 30011

Don't forget to being the things you were supposed to bring! Please be on time & Don't forget the purpose of this fund rasier.
Any last minute questions? Call me @ (770) 867-1330

-Rach (:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yard Sale Reminders

As you guys know we having a Yard Sale this Saturday at Kousee's Place. So please bring in anything for the yard sale before Friday so we can price them please!

What You need to Bring:

Everyone : Wal-mart / shopping bags , tables, chairs, mats, or "lays" and hangers.
Bee : Yard Sale Signs (write in black please)
Kousee & Pacher : Cashiers so being Change

Everyone will be assigned a job & a section at the Yard Sale.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this Yard Sale!

- Rach

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Father's Love

This video has a very good portrayal of God's Love for us & the sacrifice that he made for everyone's sin. Please comment some feedback, tell me what you think about this. This video definitely makes me think twice about how fortunate we are that God loves us so much that he gave up Jesus. thanks for watching (:
