Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Emergency Meeting

Gobal Youth :P Basically on Thursday. 12 or 1pm @ Rachel's House, we will be discussing ideas about an event the youth will be interested in. The event is going to be youth related and our pastor and star's parents are hosting it up for an assisgnment for their class. They are asking us for our opinion as well as what kind of event we will like. Therefore as a youth we need to meet and discuss. Before Thursday, I would like every one to already have an idea or something to share with everyone. This would save time as well as giving us more time to think about it. You must each make up your own mind as to how much you are willing to consider this opportunity to grow as a Christian. We will decide this as a group. Therefore, be open-minded and pray about it.


  1. still dont understand?
    are we going to make up an event for us to hang out ?

  2. no..we are giving the adults suggests as to what we would like to learn more about..they will be teaching, planning , and giving a message to the youh..therfore they want to know what we are interested in learning..so we have to meet..

  3. okay. well howd you guys get your pics on there? idk how -__-

  4. i dont know either, yeng's photo doesnt show on the website too.. only on the comment

  5. ok.. at the moment... kousee you dont have a picture.. the picture of you on the followers doesnt change i think it is permanent on the side.. but its okay.. i hide the followers section already.. you only need to add a new picture and comment.. i think it'll work..
