Sunday, November 21, 2010

Purpose of the Blog

Hello, Youth! The purpose of this blog is kinda like a agenda. We hardly look at it. But when we need information it is pretty handy. I want the youth the check this blog once every week. Mainly, before every Sunday Morning. I cant guarntee updating it on a certain day. However, prehaps before Sunday. In the future this blog will contain youth events, youth updates, and youth practices or youth meetings. Because we are still a young youth. We will rely on the parents a lot. The parents asked us to be more prepare as well as organize. They want us to actually be learning and not just having fun. I really hope everyone will contribute. I dont want this blog to only be an agenda. But also a journal. I want the youth to share videos, songs, quotes, special or encouraging bible verses, stories and ideas. If any youth talks or meetings inspire you or make you feel like sharing what God have done in your life please share. I want the youth to grow stronger in Christ. I want the youth to be a family. Dont you? Let's get involve and have a goal. A new year is coming. Dont you want to accomplish something. Dont you want to share with the world, Jesus' Love and your love for Jesus.  I know everyone is busy, but why must we always put God last when he puts us first. Even if your friends, family, youth, or me dont read your comments or stories. Dont you think God would? Continue to be teenager, go on myspace or facebook, laugh and cry over relationships, dream and lazy. But dont leave God behind. He wants you to include him and share with him all that you are going through. Think about and I'll see you soon.

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